Album Art

About DJCC

DJCC is one Proof of Stake and Masternode coin. DJCC is based on the technology of blockchain. DJCC is designed to create a donations system with the highest level of reliability, as well as speed of Transactions.

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Album Art

Our Features

DJCC give you that chance to support your best DJ & music producer by making donations in DJCC coins, You can donate to your favorite music producer easily and quickly, without providing any personal information

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Coin Specifications

Ticket: DJCC
Algo: X11KVS
Block Time: 60s
Maturity: 100 Confirmations
Coin Lock: 30.000.000 DJCC
MN Reward: 65%
Stake Reward: 35%
Ports: 44199 (p2p) / 44200 (rpc)

Block Reward

Phase Block Collateral Block Reward MN Reward % Staking Reward % MN Reward Staker Reward
Phase 1 1 10.000 30 65% 35% 19.5 10.5
Phase 2 100.001 20.000 60 65% 35% 39 21
Phase 3 200.001 40.000 120 65% 35% 78 42
Phase 4 300.001 60.000 240 65% 35% 156 84
Phase 5 400.001 80.000 480 65% 35% 312 168
Phase 6 500.001 100.000 640 65% 35% 416 224
Phase 7 600.001 120.000 800 65% 35% 520 280
Phase 8 700.001 140.000 1000 65% 35% 650 350
Phase 9 800.001 160.000 800 65% 35% 520 280
Phase 10 900.001 180.000 640 65% 35% 416 224
Phase 11 1.000.001 200.000 500 65% 35% 325 175


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